Dream. Imagine. Create.

Write your world with your dreams!

A blog set out to follow the journey of writing a book in 365 days.

Let your imagination make you become who you always wanted to be. The possibilities are endless, now it’s only up to you. You can shape the future of writing!

‘To survive you must tell stories’

Umberto Eco

  • Sharpen your mindset

    Have you ever wondered how important it is to have a mind that is under your control? The less you tame that wild horse, the more likely it will roam around freely and it wouldn’t cause you anything good to have a storm cooked up inside of your brain. I…

  • Wonderer

    In your journey as a Wonderer, remember the power of wonder and self-reflection. Since your birth, you’ve been accompanied by your own resilient, beautiful self. Embrace your uniqueness, follow your heart, and don’t be swayed by others’ opinions. Embrace the freedom of wonder, and let your heart guide you to…

  • The Water

    Today, I feel compelled to write about the transformative power of water. Like water, my emotions ebb and flow, and that’s okay. Perfection would make me less human. I crave the chaotic magic of life, where rules are defied but order remains. Through my writing, I strive to be heard.

  • Sharpen your mindset

    Sharpen your mindset

    Have you ever wondered how important it is to have a mind that is under your control? The less you tame that wild horse, the more likely it will roam around freely and it wouldn’t cause you anything good to have a storm cooked up inside of your brain. I suggest that if you haven’t…

  • Wonderer


    In your journey as a Wonderer, remember the power of wonder and self-reflection. Since your birth, you’ve been accompanied by your own resilient, beautiful self. Embrace your uniqueness, follow your heart, and don’t be swayed by others’ opinions. Embrace the freedom of wonder, and let your heart guide you to become something more.

  • The Water

    The Water

    Today, I feel compelled to write about the transformative power of water. Like water, my emotions ebb and flow, and that’s okay. Perfection would make me less human. I crave the chaotic magic of life, where rules are defied but order remains. Through my writing, I strive to be heard.

  • The Beginning

    The Beginning

    The author expresses gratitude for the writing process, emphasizing the freedom of the first draft as a canvas for self-expression. Writing is likened to a dance with words, a means of self-discovery and self-improvement. The author aims to create a meaningful connection with readers through humor and charisma.